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Writing a Will in Colorado: Why Do I Need a Will?
Written by Jody Brammer-Hoelter, Esq., 6/11/15
Writing a will is an act of love for your family. When a loved one dies, the
family should not face uncertainty about their financial future. By making
your wishes clear and creating a will, you remove the uncertainty about
your family’s future.
Not every family’s situation is the same. A will needs to take into
consideration the unique circumstances of your family to ensure
not only that your family is provided for but that potential tax
consequences are minimized. People in blended families, those
with children who have special needs, or those who wish to
leave gifts to grandchildren all need to make specific provisions
to make sure their wishes are carried out.
In the same way, having a living will, medical power of attorney and general power
of attorney provides clear direction for your family in the event that you are unable to speak for yourself. Along with creating these documents, it is important for families to have conversations about their wishes concerning ongoing medical care if you are in a terminal or persistent vegetative state. Certainly, no one expects such a situation to arise. But if it does, you can alleviate some of your family’s stress by making your wishes known in advance. I highly recommend that families consult the resources at the Conversation Project ( to assist in having this discussion.
If you use an online form for your will, you may very well create future problems that you do not anticipate. It is always important to discuss the ramifications of the choices you make in your will with an attorney. I’d be happy to meet with you to discuss your situation and help you determine the best estate plan for you and your family.
Contact us to discuss preparation of your will or other estate planning documents. Call or email us at 970.306.3988.